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Dragon Info and Interests

General Dragon Information (2003)

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About Dragons:

This will most likely be the hardest or easiest section to make depending on my mood. There are so many different types of dragons to list that this page will always be a growing project, I expect this whole section will someday have many pages and I hope it does as you read about dragons here I too will be learning from this- I still can not believe I know so little about the creatures I love so much.


A Dragon:

A dragon... What is a dragon? Having researched the history of dragons I have found that they can have many different appearances depending on your location in the world. But for the most part the two most popular forms are the Western Dragon and the Eastern Dragon.


Western Dragons:

The Western dragon was the basic winged dragon that was often sighted in England it was often described as a large reptile with the head of a crocodile wings of a bat and tail of a snake this dragon walked on four legs and was said to breath fire. They were often side to be evil and were hunted by knights.

� Western dragons had four legs and a set of wings they were said to breath fire.

� Western dragons were said to be evil and were supposedly hunted as a result.

� Western dragons were sometimes used as crests for royalty.

� Western dragons were historically known for thousands of years.


Eastern Dragons:

The eastern dragon was often depicted as a flying serpent it had no wings and was said to be able to float through the air by use of two magic extrusions on there head. These dragons were the opposite of the western dragons these dragons were often depicted as wise creatures with power over the elements.

� Eastern dragons had serpent like bodies and were capable of flight without the aid of wings.

� Eastern dragons were said to be wise powerful creatures with power over the elements.

� Eastern dragon designs were also used on royal garment.

� Eastern dragons were often mentioned in Eastern mythology and their history

� The Asians also had medical uses for the dragons body parts


Information from mythology and legends:

In China there were many dragons but there are four major dragons.

Tien Lung - The T'ien lung is the celestial dragon and protector of the heavens and guardian of the gods heavenly abodes.

Shen lung - was of equal importance and was the spiritual dragon the azure scaled master of storms and skyborn bringer of rain.

Ti lung - was the dragon of land, stream and river, which spends springtime in heaven and autumn in the sea.

Fu-ts'ang lung - was the dragon of treasure keeper of secret hoards and priceless jewels and metals within the deepest vaults of the earth.


Dragons of Japan. The dragons of Japan where more associated more with the sea then with rain.

The dragon of Koshi - Was a eight headed dragon which had come to devour a maiden but Susan-no-wo brother of japans sun goddess gave each head a vase of sak'e and got the dragon drunk then slayed it.

Hai Riyo - This dragon was portrayed with the feathered wings body and tail of a bird but still had unmistakable dragon characteristics.


The Wyvern:

The wyvern is another type of dragon which usually appeared smaller then western dragons and they did not have front legs, they were apparently structured much like a bird or pterodactyl.

. The Wyvern was a smaller version of the dragon

. It had no forelegs and was similar to pterodactyls.

. The Wyvern represented non transmuted metal in Alchemy.

.The Wyvern often appeared as an emblem of envy or an insignia of war.


Wurms Orms and Serpentine dragons:

These dragons were limbless dragons they were like giant snakes but were noticeable by the draconic appearance of there heads .

Wurms had no limbs nor wings they where like giant snakes aside from much thicker scales and a horned dragon head.

Lindorms and orms where similar to wurms except that they often had one pair of legs.


Sea Dragons:

Similar to wurms these are limbless dragons that lived in seas and lakes.

Sea serpents can be up to hundreds of feet long.

Lake serpents where usually smaller but are still pretty large.

The loch ness monster is probably a sea dragon if not a living dinosaur.

The Ogopogo a lake monster of Canada is also most likely a sea dragon.


Other Dragon Types:



The basilisks where small lizards (2 foot) which were somehow related to dragons, they had three horns on their head similar to a crown, it could cause great damage with a mere glance of it's eyes. It's breath and Saliva were also venomous the basilisk could only be defeated by three things, a weasel, a rooster or a plant called Rue.

The Basilisk was a small lizard with three horns similar to a crown and was very venomous.

The Basilisks sweat was poisonous, Probably had venomous skin similar to poison frogs.

The word Basilisk meant "little King" in the Greek Language.

The Basilisk would destroy all the land that it pasted by.



The Cockatrice was a small dragon-like monster about the same size as a basilisk, It had birdlike legs and the coiling tail of a serpent, Although it had a reptilian body it's head and wings were feathered and it had the head of a rooster.

Much like the Basilisk this creatures gaze was deadly.

The gaze of a cockatrice can kill others of it's kind.

A Cockatrice can be killed by it's own reflection.


The Hydra:

The Hydra was a dragon with nine or more heads, in Greek mythology Hercules was forced to battle one as one of his trials, for each head he killed another replaced it.

A Hydra is a multi headed dragon usually portrayed without wings and with a serpentine body,

In Japan the Dragon of Koshi had eight heads and may have also been a hydra,

In revelations the devil is represented as a seven headed serpent or dragon

Dragon Info and Interests: Basic Dragon Information, Topics, Mythology, Theories, Dracopedia Project, Sources and References.
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